OEM 13c - Summer 2019 Announcements. You can manage ATP and more!!
Here are some
exciting announcements for OEM 13c.
First, keep in
mind that you should upgrade your OEM 13c to the latest version (13.3PG). I
discussed some new features of this version in a previous post (here!)
Now to the
good news.
1. Oracle
Database 19c has been certified as a OEM Repository Database (OMR). This means
that is time to upgrade your repository to a long term support release.
More info : EM 13.3C: Certification of 19c Database as
an EM Repository Database and as a Managed Target (Doc ID 2541711.1)
2. Oracle EM
13.3.2 Bundle Patch (BP) is available. You must keep up with patching if you
don't want to encounter issues down the road.
More info: Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Database
Plugin Bundle Patch Bug List (Doc ID 2554474.1)
3. The latest
EM 13.3.2 BP 3 has support for Oracle Autonomous Database (ATP-D). So, if you
are running ATP in dedicated mode and you want to use OEM to manage your DB, is
time to patch!!
Labels: ATP, Autonomous, Cloud, OEM 13c